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    May 24, 2009

    《Windows Internals》学习心得(2)- Windows Architecture


    • kernel32.dll, advapi32.dll: to provide Windows APIs
    • ntdll.dll: to switch from user mode to kernel mode
    • ntoskrnl.exe and drivers: major part of Windows OS
    • hal.dll: hardware abstraction layer

    Ntoskrnl.exe and drivers

    • executive
    • kernel: KeXXX


    • system services: NTXXX, ZWXXX
    • executive support routines: ExXXX
    • executive components and relevant services

    Executive components and relevant services

    • Object manager: ObXXX
    • Configuration manager: CmXXX
    • Process and thread manager: PsXXX
    • Memory manager: MmXXX
    • IO manager: IoXXX
    • P&P manager: PpXXX
    • Power manager: PoXXX
    • Cache manager: CcXXX
    • Security reference monitor: SeXXX


    • ntfs.sys
    • volmgr.sys
    • ndis.sys

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